Welcome to Lisbon! We’re here to make your family’s travel hassle-free.

car seat rental in lisbon
car seat rental in lisbon
car seat rental in lisbon, cascais and sintra
car seat rental in lisbon, cascais and sintra
car seat rental in lisbon, cascais and sintra
car seat rental in lisbon, cascais and sintra
car seat rental in lisbon, cascais and sintra
 car seat rental in lisbon, cascais and sintra
car seat rental in lisbon, cascais and sintra
car seat rental in lisbon, cascais and sintra

Joie Every Stage car seat: ≤ 145 cm / 36 kg || cadeira auto Joie Every Stage: ≤ 145 cm / 36 kg

Regular price || Preço normal €52,02 Sale || Promoção


Check our latest blog article about car seat laws in Portugal here.


  • complies with the strictest ECE R129/03 regulations, with a side impact test || cumpre a mais rigorosa normativa ECE R129/03, com teste de impacto lateral
  • rear-facing: suitable for children from 40 cm to 105 cm or up to 22 kg using the harness || contra-marcha: dos 40 cm aos 105 cm ou até aos 22 kg utilizando o arnês
  • forward-facing: suitable for children from 100 cm to 145 cm or up to 36 kg using the vehicle's seat belt (the harness is not used in this mode) || virada para a frente: dos 100 cm aos 145 cm ou até aos 36 kg utilizando o cinto de segurança do carro (o arnês não é utilizado neste modo)
  • installation: vehicle’s seat belt (no ISOFIX system) || instalação: cinto de segurança do carro (não possui sistema ISOFIX)
  • 6 reclining positions: 2 rear-facing and 4 forward-facing || reclinação: 6 posições sendo 2 em contra-marcha e 4 quando virada para a frente
  • full infant insert (for babies under 60 cm or 13 kg) and/or infant body support included || redutor disponível
  • maximum security Tri-Protect headrest with three layers of internal side protection
  • Guard Surround Safety™ Panel provides extra safety against side impacts and can be activated individually to provide extra space in the vehicle; must be used on the side closest to the back passanger door 
  • reinforced steel chassis to ensure structural integrity
  • height-adjustable headrest and belts that adjust automatically
  • AutoAdjust™ sides widen as the headrest adjusts to your child's size to provide more shoulder room
  • belts can be stored in hidden compartments when the car seat is used forward-facing (100 cm - 145 cm)

This car seat is part of your essential baby gear for safe and comfortable travel.

Technical specifications: || Especificações técnicas:

  • product weight: 8.50 kg || peso da cadeira: 8.50 kg
  • usage: rear-facing 40 – 105 cm / 22 kg with 5-point belt; forward-facing 100 – 145 cm / 36 kg with the vehicle belt || utilização: uso a contra a marcha 40 – 105 cm / 22 kg com o cinto de 5 pontos; uso a favor da marcha 100 – 145 cm / 36 kg com o cinto do veículo
  • installation with seat belt || instalação com cinto de segurança
  • testing certification: ECE R129/03 || homologação: ECE R129/03
  • ADAC security tests - link


Let's go baby provides a QR Code with direct access to the installation of the car seats, as well as a direct link to the installation video and images. Whenever possible, Let's go baby's team gives guidance to the customer at the time of delivery. || A Let's go baby fornece um QR Code com acesso direto à instalação das cadeiras auto, bem como um link direto para a instalação com vídeo e imagens. Sempre que possível, a equipa da Let's go baby dá orientações ao cliente no momento da entrega.